
How to run a IoTeX Full Node on a Raspberry Pi Board

While many people think that running a blockchain full-node is all about mining, there are actually other reasons why you may want to run a full-node. For example, it can be a very effective learning experience that allows you to see first-hand how blockchain works. But there is another important reason why you may want to run your own blockchain full-node, especially if you are trying to connect IoT devices to the blockchain: that's when you need a "Blockchain Gateway", a full-node whose only purpose is to provide clients access to the blockchain.

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1. Overview

What You'll Learn

  • how to install Ubuntu on your Raspberry Pi (or compatible board)
  • how to install an IoTeX full Node on the board
  • how to configure and run the full node
  • how to interact with the node

What You Will Need

  • an ARM board like: Raspberry 3b+ (not recommended), Raspberry 4b, Odroid N2or similar ARM boards
  • a power supply compatible with your board
  • a PC with an SD card reader
  • a 32GB Micro SD card (consider an adapter if requred by your PC, and possibly pick a fast SD card, at least Class 10 - V30)
  • an internet connection
  • optionally: a USB hard-drive

2. Download Ubuntu for your ARM board

Before installing the full node on our ARM board, we need to install a Ubuntu OS image. Depending on the board you are using, you should download the correct OS image. Below are some examples:

Raspberry Pi 3 & 4

See this page for more supported boards.

Download Ubuntu 22.04.

Default login: ubuntu

Default password: ubuntu

Odroid N2

Download Ubuntu 18.04.

Default login: root

Default password: odroid

3. Configure the board

Download Etcher

Download Link

Flash the OS image

  • Insert your micro sd card in your PC card reader
  • Open Etcher
  • Select the OS image you downloaded
  • Flash it!

Power on your board

  • Connect the board to your router with an ethernet cable
  • Insert the Micro SD card in the card reader of the board
  • Power on the board by connecting the power supply

Find the IP address of your board

You have different ways to find the IP address of your board, you can follow Ubuntu's instructions, or you can find the information from your router if you have access:

  • Access your router configuration page from a browser
  • Locate your board among the connected devices
  • Configure your router to provide a fixed IP address for your board
  • Also, configure the router "Virtual server" port 4689 by redirecting it to your board IP address

If you don't know how to do that, check out this community YouTube Video for an example.

4. Configure Ubuntu

Login into Ubuntu

In this tutorial the board's address is, while in your case it could be different. From your PC, type the following:

For Raspberry boards:

ssh [email protected]
password: ubuntu

For the Odroid N2 board

ssh [email protected]
password: odroid

If requested, update your password and log in again using the new password.

5. Optional: configure a USB hard drive

Using a USB hard drive is highly recommended to store the Blockchain Database. You can avoid it and use the SD card instead, but adding a USB hard disk would make the system more responsive, and the sync process as well as node updates will run much faster. Also SD cards may not provide enough disk space to store the entire blockchain DB.

Create the iotex-var folder in your home directory

cd ~
mkdir iotex-var

List the current disks


Connect your hard disk to a USB port, and list the disks again: you should see a new sdadisk with one or more partitions (sda1, sda2....) depending on the disk you connected.

Mount the partition:

sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/iotex-var

6. Install the IoTeX full node

Install Docker

The preferred way to run an IoTeX full node is through a Docker image. You can install simply install Docker with:

curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh

sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

logout and then login again to make sure all changes are applied.

Pull an existing Docker image

You will have to build your own Docker image of the IoTeX node to run it on an ARM machine. Alternatively, you can check a Docker repository provided by a trusted IoTeX community member, like this one: the IoTeXLab public Docker Repository, and pull the latest image with:

docker pull iotexlab/iotex-core-arm:v1.8.1-rc0

Build your Docker image

You can also build a Docker image directly on your system (full instructions):

You will need Golang >= 1.17.3 installed:

wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.17.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
rm  go1.17.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

Scroll all the way down to the end of the file and add the following:


Type Ctrl + X then Yto save and exit the editon. Source .profile to apply the changes:

source ~/.profile

Make sure git is installed with

sudo apt install git

then you can build the image with

git clone https://github.com/iotexproject/iotex-core.git
cd iotex-core

make docker

this will take some time, especially if you are running the system off a slow micro SD card, and depending on your internet connection speed. We measured ~4m on an Odroid N2 + a Class10 V30 micro SD card.

It's also convenient to buid the official IoTeX command line client ioctl at this point, as it will become useful later to interact with the blockchain using the full-node itself:

make ioctl
sudo cp bin/ioctl /usr/local/bin

7. Configure and run the node

Once you have a docker image of the full node for ARM64 systems, just follow the official IoTeX instructions to configure and run the node available at IoTeX Bootstrap Repository.

If you are using a third party image, just replace the official IoTeX Docker repository iotex/iotex-core with the IoTeXLab repository iotexlab/iotex-core-arm (replace the release with the current one):

docker pull iotexlab/iotex-core-arm:v1.17.0

if you built your docker image then you don't need to pull, just heck out the image name/tag by typing:

docker image ls

8. Manage the node

You can create a few convenient scripts to manage the node (make sure you replace iotex/iotex-core-arm with the correct tag for your docker image and that you are using the latest version of the ):

Start the node

lastRelease=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/iotexproject/iotex-core/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
docker run -d --restart on-failure --name iotex \
        -p 4689:4689 \
        -p 8080:8080 \
	      -p 14014:14014 \
        -v=$HOME/iotex-var/data:/var/data:rw \
        -v=$HOME/iotex-var/log:/var/log:rw \
        -v=$HOME/iotex-var/etc/config.yaml:/etc/iotex/config_override.yaml:ro \
        -v=$HOME/iotex-var/etc/genesis.yaml:/etc/iotex/genesis.yaml:ro \
        iotex/iotex-core-arm:$lastRelease \
        iotex-server \
        -config-path=/etc/iotex/config_override.yaml \
        -genesis-path=/etc/iotex/genesis.yaml \

to kill a running node

docker kill iotex
docker rm iotex

to show the log (requires jq installed: sudo apt install jq)

docker logs -f --since 1m iotex | jq

9. Interact with the blockchain

iotcl is the officilal command line client to manage IoTeX blockchain accounts and interact with a full node. You should have built and installed it at the end of previous step:

First, configure ioctl to interact with the local node: ioctlshell config set endpoint localhost:14014 --insecure

ioctl config set endpoint localhost:14014 --insecure

now you can use it to query or broadcast transactions to the blockachain:

Get basic info about the blockchain

ioctl bc info

List the current consensus delegates

ioctl node delegate

Check out the official documentation for a full ioctl tutorial and the list of commands.


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